Version is now playable!
After a long wait, I can finally share the next batch of updates for Dear Edmund. Here's whats changed!
Enjoy :)
- Accept / Decline replaced with 2 responses - Rather than having just 'Accept' or 'Decline' as the player answer, they can now answer with more flexibility. (Example, 'Edmund, Can I have some money? instead of 'Accept' / 'Decline' it might now say 'Yes, why not.' / 'No, pissoff and leave me alone'..)
- Answer effect - you can now see what effect an answer will have on the stats - Shown by little icons to the side of the answer.
- End of Week events - When the player goes to sleep, they will be shown events relevant to the places choices, upgrades (or lack thereof), or upkeeps (For example, A repair was needed on 'x' within the street. -5 budget)
- Simplified End of Week stats - New interface changes for the End of week changes, such as stat changes and income.
- Max stat caps - Street Health and DAC Reputation now have a cap. Some questions will negatively impact these to fall below 100. And you will not be able to raise the stat above its max. (for example, 20/80 Street Health, means you will not be able to gain more than 80)
- Rations - Food and Substance cost have been changed from having to use personal money to using rations - which you'll obtain at the end of the working day
- Tax - agreeing to increase the tax will have an impact of the cost of food / substances
- Furniture stats - Different items of furniture now have different stat changes. Such as reducing stress, hunger, improved wage, chance of mould reduction etc
- Office upgrades - the player can now upgrade their office
- Wage changes - Higher DAC Reputation will have a greater impact on how much wage you receive
- Predicted wage - this is a new bar at the bottom of the screen whilst at work which shows current wage / ration predictions for the end of shift
- Artwork redo - Most of the street artwork and various other aspects of the game have been improved. Including Edmund and a couple characters
along with various bug fixes, UI scaling issues etc. Still plenty of work left to do!
Next will be a complete dialogue overhaul.
(PS. Any players who had purchased the full version, PLEASE contact me on my Discord, and i'll send a download key :) )
Thanks for reading and playing!
- Rycky